К. Монтеверди "Altri canti d'Amor, tenero Arciero" — партитура и партии
"Altri canti d'Amor, tenero Arciero", madrigal by Claudio Monteverdi, score & parts.
Партия | Факсимиле | Уртекст |
Партитура, формат PDF | скачать | |
Партия 1 сопрано (canto primo) | скачать | скачать |
Партия 2 сопрано-квинто (canto secondo qvinto) | скачать | скачать |
Партия альтов (alto) | скачать | скачать |
Партия 1 теноров (tenore primo) | скачать | скачать |
Партия 2 теноров (tenore secondo) | скачать | скачать |
Партия басов (basso) | скачать | скачать |
Партия 1 скрипки (violino primo) | скачать | скачать |
Партия 2 скрипки (violino secondo) | скачать | скачать |
Партия виолы-альта (viola alto primo) | скачать | скачать |
Партия виолы да гамба-квинты (viola da gamba, qvinto) | скачать | скачать |
Партия виолы да гамба-2 альта (viola da gamba, alto secondo) | скачать | скачать |
Партия виолы-контрабаса (viola contrabasso) | скачать | скачать |
Партия basso continuo (B. C.) | скачать | скачать |
Исходный файл, формат Sibelius 6 | скачать |
Итальянский текст и его перевод на русский язык (пер. с ит. А. Ахметова)
This score is prepared for the Baroque Opera Studio (Open Academies of Baroque Music in Saint Petersburg, Russia, in 2012.
This piece opens the VIII book of madrigals by C. Monteverdi, its first part: Canti guerrieri (Songs of war), published in Venice in 1638.
Although its content was composed during the 30-years period.
The title can be translated as "Let others sing of love, the tender archer…". Lyrics are a sonnet by unknown poet.
I took the digital score by Björn Sothmann (2004), published at the ChoralWiki library (CPDL). Thanks Björn for your great job!
I've corrected multiple mistakes, comparing it to the facsimile of the VIII book, published at the digital Petrucci Music Library (IMSLP).
Some evident mistakes in facsimile are fixed as well in bars 196, 206, 213, 214.
Clefs, time signatures, bar lines, beaming is all improved to match the original manuscript and common rules better.
Measure numbers and basso continuo figures are added (taken from the original B. C. manuscript).
The score layout is optimized for the performance practice: less pages (in 5 times!), more information.
The score is converted from the Capella format to Sibelius. The parts are prepared to print and use separately. They are named according
to the original instrument (voice) names, i. e.:
— Canto Primo — C1
— Canto Secondo, or Qvinto — C2(Q)
— Alto — A
— Tenore Primo — T1
— Tenore Secondo — T2
— Basso — B
— Violino Primo — V1
— Violino Secondo — V2
— Viola Alto Primo — V(A1)
— Viola da Gamba, or Qvinto — G(Q)
— Viola da Gamba (Alto Secondo) — G(A2)
— Viola Contrabasso — VCb
— Basso continuo — B. C.
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